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Communism, Socialism, Fascism, Wokism, Collectivism, Capitalism, Corporatism …. when you boil it down they’re all really the same thing aren’t they? Just another name for another version of humanist ideologies elevated and disseminated by power players to mask totalitarianism, which seeks to subdue and commoditize the human body & spirit for money and power.
And at the end of it all, you own nothing, and you’re happy (so says Klaus Schwab & the WEF).
Of course it’s not really THAT simple but it’s a start. The bottom line is that Western, enlightened civilization is under ATTACK and we need to understand our enemy in order to STOP them.
To help us understand the nature of the enemy, we are pleased to welcome Dr. James Lindsay, an author, mathematician, philosopher and professional troublemaker! He is an expert on a range of subjects including religion, the philosophy of science and critical theory.
Most recently James has been featured in the blockbuster documentary Beneath Sheep’s Clothing, a gripping documentary which explains VERY clearly the tactics and techniques of the ISM ideologies and how they infiltrate free societies of people.
How is it that regular people fall for brutal subjugation, total control and complete despotism time and time again? The answer is by accident of course. The unsuspecting sheep are led astray by ravenous wolves posing as saviors and protectors.
No one is safe. Only knowledge can save us. And today we LEARN with Dr. James Lindsay.
Beneath Sheep’s Clothing takes the mask off of totalitarianism and explores what lies beneath the surface of seemingly innocent characters and narratives.